Sunday, October 2, 2011

Support Farmer Dave!

i. Throughout the semester, I plan to explore the advantages and disadvantages in eating and buying local food. Local foods systems provide several advantages over conventional and global markets. Buying locally strengthens regional economies, supports family farms, provides delicious, "fresh-from-the-field" foods for consumers and preserves the local landscape.

ii. Did you know? The Center for Disease Control estimates that every year 76 million Americans get sick, more than 300,000 are hospitalized, and 5,000 die from food borne illnesses (CDC 2002). With the explosion of interest in local food, consumers now have more choices of products, labels, and ways to shop, so, many people are left wondering where to start. Food choices can be overwhelming, and changing where and how we shop can be stressful. On the other hand, the benefits of buying local can be great. With global warming as the biggest environmental issue of our time --and the threat of consuming the world’s oil within our lifetimes, it’s important to note that the average food travels 1,500 miles before it reaches your plate. I will explore where our food around Burlington comes from, the benefits of buying local, and the health affects that comes from local vs. global food. Buy Local, Buy Vermont.

iii. I do not know what exactly is going to be my main focus: health issues may be more prevalent than where the food comes from for example. After researching and exploring more, i may choose to write/make a video to different audiences. Here are some ideas I have so far:
1. Write a letter to Seven Days newspaper to promote the benefits of buying local food versus going to chain grocery stores. In the article it will talk about the side affects from mass produced food to get people to realize the dangers of buying global.
2. Design a poster to put up around campus about the benefits of buying local and its benefits to the environment and to health .
3. Interview a local farmer and ask them questions about what is most important to them about buying local/people buying there food and post it on my blog/facebook/twitter/youtube (as long as permission is granted) to get people to hear what the farmers have to say.
Here is something to think about..

1 comment:

  1. This is EXCELLENT initial research and presentation on a vital topic, Nikki.

    Who is "Farmer Dave"?

    I am excited about this project.

    Go for it!

    Dr. W
